* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This manages persistent offline data including storage, listing, and deleting
* stored manifests. Playback of offline manifests are done through the Player
* using a special URI (see shaka.offline.OfflineUri).
* First, check support() to see if offline is supported by the platform.
* Second, configure() the storage object with callbacks to your application.
* Third, call store(), remove(), or list() as needed.
* When done, call destroy().
* @param {!shaka.Player=} player
* A player instance to share a networking engine and configuration with.
* When initializing with a player, storage is only valid as long as
* |destroy| has not been called on the player instance. When omitted,
* storage will manage its own networking engine and configuration.
* @struct
* @constructor
* @implements {shaka.util.IDestroyable}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage = function(player) {
// It is an easy mistake to make to pass a Player proxy from CastProxy.
// Rather than throw a vague exception later, throw an explicit and clear one
// now.
// TODO(vaage): After we decide whether or not we want to support
// initializing storage with a player proxy, we should either remove
// this error or rename the error.
if (player && player.constructor != shaka.Player) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
/** @private {?shaka.extern.PlayerConfiguration} */
this.config_ = null;
/** @private {shaka.net.NetworkingEngine} */
this.networkingEngine_ = null;
// Initialize |config_| and |networkingEngine_| based on whether or not
// we were given a player instance.
if (player) {
this.config_ = player.getSharedConfiguration();
this.networkingEngine_ = player.getNetworkingEngine();
'Storage should not be initialized with a player that had |destroy| ' +
'called on it.');
} else {
this.config_ = shaka.util.PlayerConfiguration.createDefault();
this.networkingEngine_ = new shaka.net.NetworkingEngine();
/** @private {boolean} */
this.storeInProgress_ = false;
* A list of segment ids for all the segments that were added during the
* current store. If the store fails or is aborted, these need to be
* removed from storage.
* @private {!Array.<number>}
this.segmentsFromStore_ = [];
* A list of open operations that are being performed by this instance of
* |shaka.offline.Storage|.
* @private {!Array.<!Promise>}
this.openOperations_ = [];
* Storage should only destroy the networking engine if it was initialized
* without a player instance. Store this as a flag here to avoid including
* the player object in the destoyer's closure.
* @type {boolean}
const destroyNetworkingEngine = !player;
/** @private {!shaka.util.Destroyer} */
this.destroyer_ = new shaka.util.Destroyer(async () => {
// Wait for all the open operations to end. Wrap each operations so that a
// single rejected promise won't cause |Promise.all| to return early or to
// return a rejected Promise.
const noop = () => {};
await Promise.all(this.openOperations_.map((op) => op.then(noop, noop)));
// Wait until after all the operations have finished before we destroy
// the networking engine to avoid any unexpected errors.
if (destroyNetworkingEngine) {
await this.networkingEngine_.destroy();
// Drop all references to internal objects to help with GC.
this.config_ = null;
this.networkingEngine_ = null;
* Gets whether offline storage is supported. Returns true if offline storage
* is supported for clear content. Support for offline storage of encrypted
* content will not be determined until storage is attempted.
* @return {boolean}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.support = function() {
// Our Storage system is useless without MediaSource. MediaSource allows us
// to pull data from anywhere (including our Storage system) and feed it to
// the video element.
if (!shaka.util.Platform.supportsMediaSource()) return false;
return shaka.offline.StorageMuxer.support();
* @override
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.destroy = function() {
return this.destroyer_.destroy();
* Sets configuration values for Storage. This is associated with
* Player.configure and will change the player instance given at
* initialization.
* @param {!Object} config This should follow the form of
* {@link shaka.extern.PlayerConfiguration}, but you may omit any field
* you do not wish to change.
* @return {boolean}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.configure = function(config) {
this.config_, 'Cannot reconfigure stroage after calling destroy.');
return shaka.util.PlayerConfiguration.mergeConfigObjects(
this.config_ /* destination */, config /* updates */);
* Return a copy of the current configuration. Modifications of the returned
* value will not affect the Storage instance's active configuration. You must
* call storage.configure() to make changes.
* @return {shaka.extern.PlayerConfiguration}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.getConfiguration = function() {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Config must not be null!');
let ret = shaka.util.PlayerConfiguration.createDefault();
ret, this.config_, shaka.util.PlayerConfiguration.createDefault());
return ret;
* Return the networking engine that storage is using. If storage was
* initialized with a player instance, then the networking engine returned
* will be the same as |player.getNetworkingEngine()|.
* The returned value will only be null if |destroy| was called before
* |getNetworkingEngine|.
* @return {shaka.net.NetworkingEngine}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.getNetworkingEngine = function() {
return this.networkingEngine_;
* Stores the given manifest. If the content is encrypted, and encrypted
* content cannot be stored on this platform, the Promise will be rejected with
* @param {string} uri The URI of the manifest to store.
* @param {!Object=} appMetadata An arbitrary object from the application
* that will be stored along-side the offline content. Use this for any
* application-specific metadata you need associated with the stored content.
* For details on the data types that can be stored here, please refer to
* {@link https://bit.ly/StructClone}
* @param {string|shaka.extern.ManifestParser.Factory=} mimeType
* The mime type for the content |manifestUri| points to or a manifest parser
* factory to override auto-detection or use an unregistered parser. Passing
* a manifest parser factory is deprecated and will be removed.
* @return {!Promise.<shaka.extern.StoredContent>} A Promise to a structure
* representing what was stored. The "offlineUri" member is the URI that
* should be given to Player.load() to play this piece of content offline.
* The "appMetadata" member is the appMetadata argument you passed to store().
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.store = function(uri, appMetadata, mimeType) {
const getParser = async () => {
if (mimeType && typeof mimeType != 'string') {
2, 6,
'Storing with a manifest parser factory',
'Please register a manifest parser and for the mime-type.');
const Factory =
/** @type {shaka.extern.ManifestParser.Factory} */(mimeType);
return new Factory();
this.networkingEngine_, 'Should not call |store| after |destroy|');
const parser = await shaka.media.ManifestParser.create(
/** @type {?string} */ (mimeType));
return parser;
return this.startOperation_(this.store_(uri, appMetadata || {}, getParser));
* Returns true if an asset is currently downloading.
* @return {boolean}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.getStoreInProgress = function() {
return this.storeInProgress_;
* See |shaka.offline.Storage.store| for details.
* @param {string} uri
* @param {!Object} appMetadata
* @param {function():!Promise.<shaka.extern.ManifestParser>} getParser
* @return {!Promise.<shaka.extern.StoredContent>}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.store_ = async function(
uri, appMetadata, getParser) {
// TODO: Create a way for a download to be canceled while being downloaded.
if (this.storeInProgress_) {
return Promise.reject(new shaka.util.Error(
this.storeInProgress_ = true;
const manifest = await this.parseManifest(uri, getParser);
// Check if we were asked to destroy ourselves while we were "away"
// downloading the manifest.
// Check if we can even download this type of manifest before trying to
// create the drm engine.
const canDownload = !manifest.presentationTimeline.isLive() &&
if (!canDownload) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
// Since we will need to use |drmEngine|, |activeHandle|, and |muxer| in the
// catch/finally blocks, we need to define them out here. Since they may not
// get initialized when we enter the catch/finally block, we need to assume
// that they may be null/undefined when we get there.
/** @type {?shaka.media.DrmEngine} */
let drmEngine = null;
/** @type {shaka.offline.StorageMuxer} */
let muxer = new shaka.offline.StorageMuxer();
/** @type {?shaka.offline.StorageCellHandle} */
let activeHandle = null;
// This will be used to store any errors from drm engine. Whenever drm engine
// is passed to another function to do work, we should check if this was
// set.
let drmError = null;
try {
drmEngine = await this.createDrmEngine(
(e) => { drmError = drmError || e; });
// We could have been asked to destroy ourselves while we were "away"
// creating the drm engine.
if (drmError) { throw drmError; }
this.filterManifest_(manifest, drmEngine);
await muxer.init();
// Get the cell that we are saving the manifest to. Once we get a cell
// we will only reference the cell and not the muxer so that the manifest
// and segments will all be saved to the same cell.
activeHandle = await muxer.getActive();
goog.asserts.assert(drmEngine, 'drmEngine should be non-null here.');
const manifestDB = await this.downloadManifest_(
activeHandle.cell, drmEngine, manifest, uri, appMetadata);
if (drmError) { throw drmError; }
const ids = await activeHandle.cell.addManifests([manifestDB]);
const offlineUri = shaka.offline.OfflineUri.manifest(
activeHandle.path.mechanism, activeHandle.path.cell, ids[0]);
return shaka.offline.StoredContentUtils.fromManifestDB(
offlineUri, manifestDB);
} catch (e) {
// If we did start saving some data, we need to remove it all to avoid
// wasting storage. However if the muxer did not manage to initialize, then
// we won't have an active cell to remove the segments from.
if (activeHandle) {
await activeHandle.cell.removeSegments(this.segmentsFromStore_, () => {});
// If we already had an error, ignore this error to avoid hiding
// the original error.
throw drmError || e;
} finally {
this.storeInProgress_ = false;
this.segmentsFromStore_ = [];
await muxer.destroy();
if (drmEngine) {
await drmEngine.destroy();
* Filter |manifest| such that it will only contain the variants and text
* streams that we want to store and can actually play.
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @param {!shaka.media.DrmEngine} drmEngine
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.filterManifest_ = function(
manifest, drmEngine) {
// Filter the manifest based on the restrictions given in the player
// configuration.
const maxHwRes = {width: Infinity, height: Infinity};
manifest, this.config_.restrictions, maxHwRes);
// Filter the manifest based on what we know media source will be able to
// play later (no point storing something we can't play).
// Filter the manifest based on what we know our drm system will support
// playing later.
shaka.util.ManifestFilter.filterByDrmSupport(manifest, drmEngine);
// Filter the manifest so that it will only use codecs that are available in
// all periods.
// Filter each variant based on what the app says they want to store. The app
// will only be given variants that are compatible with all previous
// post-filtered periods.
shaka.util.ManifestFilter.rollingFilter(manifest, (period) => {
const StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
const allTracks = [];
for (const variant of period.variants) {
'We should have already filtered by "is playable"');
for (const text of period.textStreams) {
const chosenTracks = this.config_.offline.trackSelectionCallback(allTracks);
/** @type {!Set.<number>} */
const variantIds = new Set();
/** @type {!Set.<number>} */
const textIds = new Set();
for (const track of chosenTracks) {
if (track.type == 'variant') { variantIds.add(track.id); }
if (track.type == 'text') { textIds.add(track.id); }
period.variants =
period.variants.filter((variant) => variantIds.has(variant.id));
period.textStreams =
period.textStreams.filter((stream) => textIds.has(stream.id));
// Check the post-filtered manifest for characteristics that may indicate
// issues with how the app selected tracks.
* Create a download manager and download the manifest.
* @param {shaka.extern.StorageCell} storage
* @param {!shaka.media.DrmEngine} drmEngine
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @param {string} uri
* @param {!Object} metadata
* @return {!Promise.<shaka.extern.ManifestDB>}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.downloadManifest_ = async function(
storage, drmEngine, manifest, uri, metadata) {
'Cannot call |downloadManifest_| after calling |destroy|.');
const pendingContent = shaka.offline.StoredContentUtils.fromManifest(
uri, manifest, /* size */ 0, metadata);
/** @type {!shaka.offline.DownloadManager} */
const downloader = new shaka.offline.DownloadManager(
(progress, size) => {
// Update the size of the stored content before issuing a progress
// update.
pendingContent.size = size;
this.config_.offline.progressCallback(pendingContent, progress);
try {
const manifestDB = this.createOfflineManifest_(
downloader, storage, drmEngine, manifest, uri, metadata);
manifestDB.size = await downloader.waitToFinish();
return manifestDB;
} finally {
await downloader.destroy();
* Removes the given stored content. This will also attempt to release the
* licenses, if any.
* @param {string} contentUri
* @return {!Promise}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.remove = function(contentUri) {
return this.startOperation_(this.remove_(contentUri));
* See |shaka.offline.Storage.remove| for details.
* @param {string} contentUri
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.remove_ = async function(contentUri) {
const nullableUri = shaka.offline.OfflineUri.parse(contentUri);
if (nullableUri == null || !nullableUri.isManifest()) {
return Promise.reject(new shaka.util.Error(
/** @type {!shaka.offline.OfflineUri} */
const uri = nullableUri;
/** @type {!shaka.offline.StorageMuxer} */
const muxer = new shaka.offline.StorageMuxer();
try {
await muxer.init();
const cell = await muxer.getCell(uri.mechanism(), uri.cell());
const manifests = await cell.getManifests([uri.key()]);
const manifest = manifests[0];
await Promise.all([
this.removeFromDRM_(uri, manifest, muxer),
this.removeFromStorage_(cell, uri, manifest),
} finally {
await muxer.destroy();
* @param {shaka.extern.ManifestDB} manifestDb
* @param {boolean} isVideo
* @return {!Array.<MediaKeySystemMediaCapability>}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.getCapabilities_ = function(manifestDb, isVideo) {
const MimeUtils = shaka.util.MimeUtils;
const ret = [];
for (const period of manifestDb.periods) {
for (const stream of period.streams) {
if (isVideo && stream.contentType == 'video') {
contentType: MimeUtils.getFullType(stream.mimeType, stream.codecs),
robustness: manifestDb.drmInfo.videoRobustness,
} else if (!isVideo && stream.contentType == 'audio') {
contentType: MimeUtils.getFullType(stream.mimeType, stream.codecs),
robustness: manifestDb.drmInfo.audioRobustness,
return ret;
* @param {!shaka.offline.OfflineUri} uri
* @param {shaka.extern.ManifestDB} manifestDb
* @param {!shaka.offline.StorageMuxer} muxer
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.removeFromDRM_ = async function(
uri, manifestDb, muxer) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.networkingEngine_, 'Cannot be destroyed');
await shaka.offline.Storage.deleteLicenseFor_(
this.networkingEngine_, this.config_.drm, muxer, manifestDb);
* @param {shaka.extern.StorageCell} storage
* @param {!shaka.offline.OfflineUri} uri
* @param {shaka.extern.ManifestDB} manifest
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.removeFromStorage_ = function(
storage, uri, manifest) {
/** @type {!Array.<number>} */
let segmentIds = shaka.offline.Storage.getAllSegmentIds_(manifest);
// Count(segments) + Count(manifests)
let toRemove = segmentIds.length + 1;
let removed = 0;
let pendingContent = shaka.offline.StoredContentUtils.fromManifestDB(
uri, manifest);
let onRemove = (key) => {
removed += 1;
this.config_.offline.progressCallback(pendingContent, removed / toRemove);
return Promise.all([
storage.removeSegments(segmentIds, onRemove),
storage.removeManifests([uri.key()], onRemove),
* Removes any EME sessions that were not successfully removed before. This
* returns whether all the sessions were successfully removed.
* @return {!Promise.<boolean>}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.removeEmeSessions = function() {
return this.startOperation_(this.removeEmeSessions_());
* @return {!Promise.<boolean>}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.removeEmeSessions_ = async function() {
goog.asserts.assert(this.networkingEngine_, 'Cannot be destroyed');
const net = this.networkingEngine_;
const config = this.config_.drm;
/** @type {!shaka.offline.StorageMuxer} */
const muxer = new shaka.offline.StorageMuxer();
/** @type {!shaka.offline.SessionDeleter} */
const deleter = new shaka.offline.SessionDeleter();
let hasRemaining = false;
try {
await muxer.init();
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.extern.EmeSessionStorageCell>} */
const cells = [];
muxer.forEachEmeSessionCell((c) => cells.push(c));
// Run these sequentially to avoid creating too many DrmEngine instances
// and having multiple CDMs alive at once. Some embedded platforms may
// not support that.
let p = Promise.resolve();
for (const sessionIdCell of cells) {
p = p.then(async () => {
const sessions = await sessionIdCell.getAll();
const deletedSessionIds = await deleter.delete(config, net, sessions);
await sessionIdCell.remove(deletedSessionIds);
if (deletedSessionIds.length != sessions.length) {
hasRemaining = true;
await p;
} finally {
await muxer.destroy();
return !hasRemaining;
* Lists all the stored content available.
* @return {!Promise.<!Array.<shaka.extern.StoredContent>>} A Promise to an
* array of structures representing all stored content. The "offlineUri"
* member of the structure is the URI that should be given to Player.load()
* to play this piece of content offline. The "appMetadata" member is the
* appMetadata argument you passed to store().
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.list = function() {
return this.startOperation_(this.list_());
* See |shaka.offline.Storage.list| for details.
* @return {!Promise.<!Array.<shaka.extern.StoredContent>>}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.list_ = async function() {
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.extern.StoredContent>} */
const result = [];
/** @type {!shaka.offline.StorageMuxer} */
const muxer = new shaka.offline.StorageMuxer();
try {
await muxer.init();
let p = Promise.resolve();
muxer.forEachCell((path, cell) => {
p = p.then(async () => {
const manifests = await cell.getAllManifests();
manifests.forEach((manifest, key) => {
const uri = shaka.offline.OfflineUri.manifest(
const content = shaka.offline.StoredContentUtils.fromManifestDB(
await p;
} finally {
await muxer.destroy();
return result;
* This method is public so that it can be overridden in testing.
* @param {string} uri
* @param {function():!Promise.<shaka.extern.ManifestParser>} getParser
* @return {!Promise.<shaka.extern.Manifest>}
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.parseManifest = async function(
uri, getParser) {
let error = null;
const networkingEngine = this.networkingEngine_;
goog.asserts.assert(networkingEngine, 'Should be initialized!');
/** @type {shaka.extern.ManifestParser.PlayerInterface} */
const playerInterface = {
networkingEngine: networkingEngine,
// Don't bother filtering now. We will do that later when we have all the
// information we need to filter.
filterAllPeriods: () => {},
filterNewPeriod: () => {},
onTimelineRegionAdded: () => {},
onEvent: () => {},
// Used to capture an error from the manifest parser. We will check the
// error before returning.
onError: (e) => {
error = e;
const parser = await getParser();
// We may have been destroyed while we were waiting on |getParser| to
// resolve.
try {
const manifest = await parser.start(uri, playerInterface);
// We may have been destroyed while we were waiting on |start| to
// resolve.
// Get all the streams that are used in the manifest.
const streams = shaka.offline.Storage.getStreamSet_(manifest);
// Wait for each stream to create their segment indexes.
await Promise.all(Array.from(streams).map((stream) => {
return stream.createSegmentIndex();
// We may have been destroyed while we were waiting on |createSegmentIndex|
// to resolve for each stream.
// If we saw an error while parsing, surface the error.
if (error) {
throw error;
return manifest;
} finally {
await parser.stop();
* This method is public so that it can be override in testing.
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @param {function(shaka.util.Error)} onError
* @return {!Promise.<!shaka.media.DrmEngine>}
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.createDrmEngine = async function(
manifest, onError) {
this.networkingEngine_, 'Cannot call |createDrmEngine| after |destroy|');
/** @type {!shaka.media.DrmEngine} */
const drmEngine = new shaka.media.DrmEngine({
netEngine: this.networkingEngine_,
onError: onError,
onKeyStatus: () => {},
onExpirationUpdated: () => {},
onEvent: () => {},
const variants = shaka.util.Periods.getAllVariantsFrom(manifest.periods);
const config = this.config_;
await drmEngine.initForStorage(variants, config.offline.usePersistentLicense);
await drmEngine.setServerCertificate();
await drmEngine.createOrLoad();
return drmEngine;
* Creates an offline 'manifest' for the real manifest. This does not store the
* segments yet, only adds them to the download manager through createPeriod_.
* @param {!shaka.offline.DownloadManager} downloader
* @param {shaka.extern.StorageCell} storage
* @param {!shaka.media.DrmEngine} drmEngine
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @param {string} originalManifestUri
* @param {!Object} metadata
* @return {shaka.extern.ManifestDB}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.createOfflineManifest_ = function(
downloader, storage, drmEngine, manifest, originalManifestUri, metadata) {
let estimator = new shaka.offline.StreamBandwidthEstimator();
let periods = manifest.periods.map((period) => {
return this.createPeriod_(
downloader, storage, estimator, drmEngine, manifest, period);
let drmInfo = drmEngine.getDrmInfo();
let sessions = drmEngine.getSessionIds();
if (drmInfo && this.config_.offline.usePersistentLicense) {
if (!sessions.length) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
shaka.util.Error.Severity.CRITICAL, shaka.util.Error.Category.STORAGE,
shaka.util.Error.Code.NO_INIT_DATA_FOR_OFFLINE, originalManifestUri);
// Don't store init data, since we have stored sessions.
drmInfo.initData = [];
return {
originalManifestUri: originalManifestUri,
duration: manifest.presentationTimeline.getDuration(),
size: 0,
expiration: drmEngine.getExpiration(),
periods: periods,
sessionIds: this.config_.offline.usePersistentLicense ? sessions : [],
drmInfo: drmInfo,
appMetadata: metadata,
* Converts a manifest Period to a database Period. This will use the current
* configuration to get the tracks to use, then it will search each segment
* index and add all the segments to the download manager through createStream_.
* @param {!shaka.offline.DownloadManager} downloader
* @param {shaka.extern.StorageCell} storage
* @param {shaka.offline.StreamBandwidthEstimator} estimator
* @param {!shaka.media.DrmEngine} drmEngine
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @param {shaka.extern.Period} period
* @return {shaka.extern.PeriodDB}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.createPeriod_ = function(
downloader, storage, estimator, drmEngine, manifest, period) {
// Pass all variants and text streams to the estimator so that we can
// get the best estimate for each stream later.
manifest.periods.forEach((period) => {
period.variants.forEach((variant) => { estimator.addVariant(variant); });
period.textStreams.forEach((text) => { estimator.addText(text); });
// Find the streams we want to download and create a stream db instance
// for each of them.
const streamSet = shaka.offline.Storage.getStreamSet_(manifest);
const streamDBs = new Map();
for (const stream of streamSet) {
const streamDB = this.createStream_(
downloader, storage, estimator, manifest, period, stream);
streamDBs.set(stream.id, streamDB);
// Connect streams and variants together.
period.variants.forEach((variant) => {
if (variant.audio) {
if (variant.video) {
return {
startTime: period.startTime,
streams: Array.from(streamDBs.values()),
* Converts a manifest stream to a database stream. This will search the
* segment index and add all the segments to the download manager.
* @param {!shaka.offline.DownloadManager} downloader
* @param {shaka.extern.StorageCell} storage
* @param {shaka.offline.StreamBandwidthEstimator} estimator
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @param {shaka.extern.Period} period
* @param {shaka.extern.Stream} stream
* @return {shaka.extern.StreamDB}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.createStream_ = function(
downloader, storage, estimator, manifest, period, stream) {
/** @type {shaka.extern.StreamDB} */
let streamDb = {
id: stream.id,
originalId: stream.originalId,
primary: stream.primary,
presentationTimeOffset: stream.presentationTimeOffset || 0,
contentType: stream.type,
mimeType: stream.mimeType,
codecs: stream.codecs,
frameRate: stream.frameRate,
kind: stream.kind,
language: stream.language,
label: stream.label,
width: stream.width || null,
height: stream.height || null,
initSegmentKey: null,
encrypted: stream.encrypted,
keyId: stream.keyId,
segments: [],
variantIds: [],
/** @type {number} */
let startTime =
// Download each stream in parallel.
let downloadGroup = stream.id;
shaka.offline.Storage.forEachSegment_(stream, startTime, (segment) => {
const request = shaka.util.Networking.createSegmentRequest(
estimator.getSegmentEstimate(stream.id, segment),
(data) => {
return storage.addSegments([{data: data}]).then((ids) => {
startTime: segment.startTime,
endTime: segment.endTime,
dataKey: ids[0],
let initSegment = stream.initSegmentReference;
if (initSegment) {
const request = shaka.util.Networking.createSegmentRequest(
(data) => {
return storage.addSegments([{data: data}]).then((ids) => {
streamDb.initSegmentKey = ids[0];
return streamDb;
* @param {shaka.extern.Stream} stream
* @param {number} startTime
* @param {function(!shaka.media.SegmentReference)} callback
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.forEachSegment_ = function(stream, startTime, callback) {
/** @type {?number} */
let i = stream.findSegmentPosition(startTime);
/** @type {?shaka.media.SegmentReference} */
let ref = i == null ? null : stream.getSegmentReference(i);
while (ref) {
ref = stream.getSegmentReference(++i);
* Throws an error if the object is destroyed.
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.checkDestroyed_ = function() {
if (this.destroyer_.destroyed()) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
* Used by functions that need storage support to ensure that the current
* platform has storage support before continuing. This should only be
* needed to be used at the start of public methods.
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.requireSupport_ = function() {
if (!shaka.offline.Storage.support()) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
* Perform an action. Track the action's progress so that when we destroy
* we will wait until all the actions have completed before allowing destroy
* to resolve.
* @param {!Promise<T>} action
* @return {!Promise<T>}
* @template T
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.prototype.startOperation_ = async function(action) {
try {
// Await |action| so we can use the finally statement to remove |action|
// from |openOperations_| when we still have a reference to |action|.
return await action;
} finally {
shaka.util.ArrayUtils.remove(this.openOperations_, action);
* @param {shaka.extern.ManifestDB} manifest
* @return {!Array.<number>}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.getAllSegmentIds_ = function(manifest) {
/** @type {!Array.<number>} */
let ids = [];
// Get every segment for every stream in the manifest.
manifest.periods.forEach(function(period) {
period.streams.forEach(function(stream) {
if (stream.initSegmentKey != null) {
stream.segments.forEach(function(segment) {
return ids;
* Delete the on-disk storage and all the content it contains. This should not
* be done in normal circumstances. Only do it when storage is rendered
* unusable, such as by a version mismatch. No business logic will be run, and
* licenses will not be released.
* @return {!Promise}
* @export
shaka.offline.Storage.deleteAll = async function() {
/** @type {!shaka.offline.StorageMuxer} */
const muxer = new shaka.offline.StorageMuxer();
try {
// Wipe all content from all storage mechanisms.
await muxer.erase();
} finally {
// Destroy the muxer, whether or not erase() succeeded.
await muxer.destroy();
* @param {!shaka.net.NetworkingEngine} net
* @param {!shaka.extern.DrmConfiguration} drmConfig
* @param {!shaka.offline.StorageMuxer} muxer
* @param {shaka.extern.ManifestDB} manifestDb
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.deleteLicenseFor_ = async function(
net, drmConfig, muxer, manifestDb) {
if (!manifestDb.drmInfo) {
const sessionIdCell = muxer.getEmeSessionCell();
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.extern.EmeSessionDB>} */
const sessions = manifestDb.sessionIds.map((sessionId) => {
return {
sessionId: sessionId,
keySystem: manifestDb.drmInfo.keySystem,
licenseUri: manifestDb.drmInfo.licenseServerUri,
serverCertificate: manifestDb.drmInfo.serverCertificate,
audioCapabilities: shaka.offline.Storage.getCapabilities_(
/* isVideo */ false),
videoCapabilities: shaka.offline.Storage.getCapabilities_(
/* isVideo */ true),
// Try to delete the sessions; any sessions that weren't deleted get stored
// in the database so we can try to remove them again later. This allows us
// to still delete the stored content but not "forget" about these sessions.
// Later, we can remove the sessions to free up space.
const deleter = new shaka.offline.SessionDeleter();
const deletedSessionIds = await deleter.delete(drmConfig, net, sessions);
await sessionIdCell.remove(deletedSessionIds);
await sessionIdCell.add(sessions.filter(
(session) => deletedSessionIds.indexOf(session.sessionId) == -1));
* Get the set of all streams in |manifest|.
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @return {!Set.<shaka.extern.Stream>}
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.getStreamSet_ = function(manifest) {
/** @type {!Set.<shaka.extern.Stream>} */
const set = new Set();
for (const period of manifest.periods) {
for (const text of period.textStreams) {
for (const variant of period.variants) {
if (variant.audio) { set.add(variant.audio); }
if (variant.video) { set.add(variant.video); }
return set;
* Make sure that the given configuration object follows the correct structure
* expected by |configure|. This function should be removed in v2.6 when
* backward-compatibility is no longer needed.
* @param {!Object} config
* The config fields that the app wants to update. This object will be
* change by this function.
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.verifyConfig_ = function(config) {
// To avoid printing a deprecated warning multiple times, track all
// infractions and then print it once at the end.
let usedLegacyConfig = false;
// For each field in the legacy config structure
// (shaka.extern.OfflineConfiguration), move any occurances to the correct
// location in the player configuration.
if (config.trackSelectionCallback != null) {
usedLegacyConfig = true;
config.offline = config.offline || {};
config.offline.trackSelectionCallback = config.trackSelectionCallback;
delete config.trackSelectionCallback;
if (config.progressCallback != null) {
usedLegacyConfig = true;
config.offline = config.offline || {};
config.offline.progressCallback = config.progressCallback;
delete config.progressCallback;
if (config.usePersistentLicense != null) {
usedLegacyConfig = true;
config.offline = config.offline || {};
config.offline.usePersistentLicense = config.usePersistentLicense;
delete config.usePersistentLicense;
if (usedLegacyConfig) {
2, 6,
'Storage.configure with OfflineConfig',
'Please configure storage with a player configuration.');
* Go over a manifest and issue warnings for any suspicious properties.
* @param {shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.validateManifest_ = function(manifest) {
// Make sure that the period has not been reduced to nothing.
if (manifest.periods.length == 0) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
for (const period of manifest.periods) {
* Go over a period and issue warnings for any suspicious properties.
* @param {shaka.extern.Period} period
* @private
shaka.offline.Storage.validatePeriod_ = function(period) {
const videos = new Set(period.variants.map((v) => v.video));
const audios = new Set(period.variants.map((v) => v.audio));
const texts = period.textStreams;
if (videos.size > 1) {
shaka.log.warning('Multiple video tracks selected to be stored');
for (const audio1 of audios) {
for (const audio2 of audios) {
if (audio1 != audio2 && audio1.language == audio2.language) {
'Similar audio tracks were selected to be stored',
for (const text1 of texts) {
for (const text2 of texts) {
if (text1 != text2 && text1.language == text2.language) {
'Similar text tracks were selected to be stored',
shaka.Player.registerSupportPlugin('offline', shaka.offline.Storage.support);